What are the results of the Tomatis® Method in children?
The Tomatis® Method can help children who are experiencing:
- Learning Difficulties
- Dyslexia
- Attention Deficit Disorder
- Hyperactivity
- Autism
- Language Disorders
- Concentration problems during the preparation for exams
- Foreign Language Integration for children who are struggling to learn a foreign language
How long are the results of the Tomatis® Method noticeable?
Results vary from person to person.
In general, the results of the Tomatis® Method must be analyzed at two levels, the first rather superficial and the second more in-depth. At the superficial level, many positive manifestations become apparent very quickly, and this happens within a few weeks or even a few days after the start of a Tomatis® listening session.
The Tomatis® Method is often seen as a dynamic process that is easy to follow both by the person benefiting from it and those around them. On a deeper level, it is necessary to understand that the reorganization induced by Tomatis® sessions allows the subject to regain his/her inner balance and thus modify, in a good sense, his/her own scale of value. This in-depth evolution is less spectacular and takes place at a slower pace.
One of the important points is that these improvements will not only be sustained over time but will continue after the Tomatis® sessions are over.
Is the progress made during the Tomatis® sessions maintained?
Yes, generally the progress made during Tomatis® sessions is maintained for the simple reason that it is not due to preparation but to a return to balance.
In the great majority ofcases it can be seen that the progress made by the subject during the sessions is not only maintained but can be continued when the process of evolution has been restored to normal.
At what age does the Tomatis® Method work best?
The Tomatis® Method remains effective at all ages, from 3 years old to adults.
Therefore, there is no real age limit to benefit from the Tomatis® Method and experience shows that in the vast majority of cases, good results are achieved in all subjects, children, teenagers, adults or even the elderly.
However, sessions are generally not recommended for children under 3 years of age.
Can the Tomatis® Method be dangerous?
No, the Tomatis® method is a non-invasive and completely natural retraining approach that involves the use of the ear. It is not a treatment in the medical sense, and even if it is used by doctors, paramedics, educational professionals, it does not replace any of their techniques, but enhances them when used correctly and effectively.
In fact, the Tomatis® Method simply allows for a smooth return to normal, without ever causing a traumatic or imbalanced state.
How are the results evaluated?
At the end of each cycle of listening sessions (approximately 14 days), the client has a personal meeting with the Counsellor. The Counselor will conduct an interview with targeted questions that allows the Counselor to gather information, as well as observations and/or comments from the parents when the client is a child. This will allow the Counsellor to plan the next actions and treatments for the client.
Can the Tomatis® Method be combined with other treatments?
Yes, and in some cases it may even be desirable. Many times, the client is already in therapy and the therapist, knowing the Tomatis® Method, is aware of the activation that can be caused by Tomatis® Method sessions.
The Tomatis® counsellor believes that there is no discomfort that his client will be supported by external therapy and would simply advise him to wait until the results of the sessions are consolidated before proceeding with this other approach. Finally, it may happen that the Tomatis® counsellor identifies a problem that is obviously coming from external therapy: he would then advise his client, on identifying this problem, to consult another therapist before starting any sessions with the Electronic Ear. In fact, in such cases, the Tomatis® Method will act as a technique to optimize the effectiveness of external treatments: there is therefore neither incompatibility nor competition, but instead it is supported by an additional effective treatment. Many practitioners are already aware of this and choose either to work in collaboration with Tomatis® practitioners or to be trained in the Method to make their own technique even more effective. Remember that the Tomatis® Method can under no circumstances be a substitute for a treatment recommended by a doctor. If you are unsure about the suitability of the Tomatis® Method, you should ask your doctor.
Why are the sessions intensive?
In order for the brain to change its mode of perception, it is necessary to give it information that is frequently repeated, and this for a certain amount of time and at a sufficiently constant rate. This exercise, like any other, whether mental or athletic, causes a real liberation, the body discovers that it can function differently.
This rule of intensive sessions applies to everyone, but the results can vary considerably depending on the nature of the problem to be addressed, the age of the person, his/her motivation, his/her availability, etc.
Why are there interruptions between meetings?
Just as the brain needs intensive and repeated stimulation, it also needs periods of non-stimulation to build and consolidate change. This rule is found in the context of any training, the construction is done after the effort during a phase of apparent passivity: it is actually a phase of integration. Stimulation is a disturbance to our organism, and therefore we must grant it periods of rest during which this integration takes place. Therefore, the rule is to do a first cycle of 14-day sessions at a rate of 40-80 minutes of daily auditory stimulation under the Electronic Ear, depending on age. The goal of the Tomatis® Method is always to put the subject in a state of optimal autonomy as quickly as possible.
Why use Mozart's music?
It is a fact that after much experimentation with other music, the results obtained from the use of Mozart are astonishing, regardless of the region in the world where it is practiced: indeed, we find that on all continents, this music is not only very well accepted, but allows each subject to restore his own inner balance. To understand this action on human balance, we must remember that music is characterized by rhythm that touches the body, by harmony that reaches the emotional zones and by melody that addresses the spiritual structures. Ideally, in the classical period, these three parameters had to be balanced, which was rarely the case, as one or the other often dominated, thus giving a very particular musical discourse. Now, in the case of Mozart, it seems that this balance has been achieved, which may explain the universal character of this music.
Why use filtered music?
Up to about 4000 Hertz, filtering allows the brain to orient itself towards the acoustic resolution of different regions. Hearing even more filtered sounds corresponds to a prenatal experience, which does not mean that the fetus is not hearing the bass.
According to Alfred Tomatis, if the ear is functional so early in embryonic development, it is because it has the role of strengthening the nervous system. To exploit this primordial skill of the ear in the prenatal stage, Alfred Tomatis wanted to use filtered sounds, which allow the ear to facilitate the function of discriminating sounds.
Is the Tomatis® Method effective in hearing loss?
The Tomatis® Method does not allow any improvement in hearing if there is irreversible damage. In case of an ENT problem, consult an ENT doctor beforehand.